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簡要描述:C-65美國UVP紫外觀察箱 上海熙浩實業(yè)有限公司是一家專注于電子、自動化、電力領(lǐng)域的電子測量,儀器儀表設(shè)備的開發(fā),代理,銷售和服務(wù)工作。為美國UVP公司生產(chǎn),更方便進(jìn)行熒光分析


C-65  美國UVP紫外觀察箱

Mid Size UV Viewing Cabinets

Multifunctional Chromato-Vue? Viewing Cabinet provides a darkroom environment for viewing materials. The C-65 is accommodates one or two of the eight watt EL Series Lamps.


  • Thin Layer Chromatography
  • Non Destructive Testing
  • Inspection
  • Mineralogy
  • Fluorescence

C-65美國主要特點Main Features

  • The C-65 Chromato-Vue Cabinet is designed to accommodate one or two of the EL Series 8-watt lamps (ordered separay)
  • Use of two lamps illuminates the cabinet's interior from two sides of the cabinet
  • Lamps are removable from the cabinet for use in other applications
  • Lamps come with a universal plug which connects directly to the C-65 Cabinet, plus a supplementary power cord to plug into a line current for operating the lamp in other applications
  • The C-65 includes an interior overhead white light
  • The bottom panel of the cabinet is removable
  • Soft rubber viewport and contrast control filter that absorbs UV energy to protect the eyes
  • Lightweight access curtain blocks external light
  • A camera mount can be used for photodocumentation - contact UVP for CCD camera information

C-65美國技術(shù)參數(shù) Specifications

C-65 Cabinet:
Light Sources:White Light - Order EL Lamps separay
UV Lamps (order EL Lamps separay)
 Power switches:

Located on top of unit


With UV blocking filter

Dimensions: Interior:17L x 14W x 6H in. (602 x 419 x 400mm)
 Exterior:19.75L x 16.5W x 15.75H in. (533 x 330 x 400mm)
Weight: 13.5 lb (6.1 kg)
Part Numbers
95-0257-0195-0257-02C-65Cabinet, Base with White Light (no UV source)
Replacement Parts/Accessories
34-0002-01Replacement Bulb, White Light (115V)
34-0040-01Replacement Bulb, White Light (230V)
89-0112-03Hood/Mount for a CCD Camera


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400-892-6117 021-31268583 021-57631797